Welcome to Day 2 of your Metamorphosis journey. We are excited to continue this transformative process together.

Intentions for the Day: Today's focus is on exploring how context is definitive—the meaning we give to every circumstance creates our reality. We will also look at the importance of grief and how allowing ourselves to feel it opens our hearts to fully embrace new experiences and seasons of our lives.

What to Have Ready:

  • Print the Day 2 Workbook section.
  • A journal and pen for notes and reflections.
  • A quiet, comfortable space to fully participate.
  • When you log in, make sure your CAMERA is ON!

Zoom Meeting Details:

  • Zoom Link click here ▶️
  • Meeting ID: 820 0081 3707 | Passcode: BUTTERFLY
  • Start Time: We begin at 6:30 AM (AEST) sharp. Please connect at least 5 minutes before our starting time to do an audio and camera check. You can convert to your TIME ZONE here ▶️

We look forward to another day of growth and connection with you. 🦋

Tash & Mariana

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